AnnA SanchezInstructorMy name is Anna Sanchez. I am a classically trained artist that has experience and training in oil, acrylic, and watercolor techniques, as well as training in graphic and illustrative design. With that being said, I have taken all that knowledge and chosen to embrace the weird. I work in multimedia to create art that evokes thought and emotion, without being afraid of reaching beyond the typical mediums viewed as aesthetically pleasing. My belief is that art is for the masses; it should touch everyone’s life. I allow myself to become vulnerable and honest with my students, and let my struggles and strengths show. In doing this, I feel that I’m able to connect with students through true, honest experiences; it has helped me be a more effective educator. My approach to teaching is open and unafraid. In my classes, we don’t shy away from the tough subjects. And we embrace the strange, the weird, the unorthodox. I want the youth of our community to be involved with that movement as much as possible and will work with your family to make that happen.
Ernie BeutlerInstructorHello! My name is Ernie and I am a thirty-seven year old father of five kids. I have been an instructor at the Discovery Center for five years now. My main focus in teaching is through Dungeons and Dragons. Having been a professional and recreation Dungeon Master for several of those years, I aim to educate using the power of group dynamics, problem solving, cooperation, and storytelling. The ultimate goal for every educator is to enrich the experiences and perspectives of the students I interact with as they move forward in their lives, and I truly believe that what I do in the classroom will help to accomplish that. I look forward to seeing everyone in the upcoming school year!
Mickey HawkinsInstructorHi everyone! My name is Michelle Hawkins, but everyone calls me Mickey. I am a native to the area and love it up here! I have been involved with the homeschooling programs at the Discovery Center and CAPE since the beginning. I have also raised a child through the homeschooling system that graduated successfully coming up on 2 years ago. I am actively participating in many angles of our programs from mentoring with CAPE, count day mentoring, and teaching music lessons. I truly enjoy getting to watch our kids and our amazing programs grow and develop!
Emily SvensonInstructorEmily Svenson is a Functional Medicine Health coach and the virtual Health class instructor and coach for CAPE. In the past, she has taught Healthy Living, Kids Cooking classes, and Zumba, and was the Wellness Coordinator for the Keweenaw Co-op. Emily is currently pursuing yoga teacher certification and board certification for Health Coaching. Emily is a mom of three amazing kids who enjoys dance, yoga, fitness, adventure, nature, and great books. Emily has dealt with her own health struggles such as asthma and allergies and disordered sleep. She has significantly improved her own conditions through lifestyle change, and has a passion for helping others do the same. Emily loves to be an ally for others on their journey towards better health and a more fulfilling life.
Shawn BradyInstructorShawn Brady became interested in natural resources during the three years he spent living in national parks. His travels allowed him the opportunity to work in and explore Yosemite, Crater Lake, Bryce Canyon, Alaska and the Everglades. Shawn attended Oregon State University and graduated with a degree in Fisheries and Wildlife Science with an emphasis on avian conservation. His professional career began as a Wildlife Survey Technician where he examined the old growth forests of Oregon in search of the threatened Marbled Murrelet and the endangered Spotted Owl. He has worked with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife as a Field Biologist focusing on fish monitoring and research projects. These projects required extensive kayaking, rafting, hiking and snorkeling to produce aquatic inventories, habitat assessments and statewide population estimates for Coho, Chinook, Steelhead and Lamprey. Currently, Shawn is focused on sharing his experience and love for nature through education and outreach. In his free time, he enjoys being outdoors with his three beautiful daughters, listening to bluegrass music and working with his wife at their farmers market booth.
Julie TufteInstructorJulie Tufte received her BA in Business Communications from Chapman University, is a Mind Body Wellness Practitioner, Clinically Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master/Teacher, Reflexologist, Life Coach, and Licensed Massage Therapist. Her passion for helping others started a really, really long time ago as a Sophomore in High School. She worked with at-risk Jr.High School students on Interpersonal Communication skills. Summers were filled working as a camp counselor, early adulthood found her volunteering at elementary schools, and most recently she enjoyed substitute teaching in behavioral/special needs classrooms. Julie sees clients as an Intuitive Wellness Coach and Therapeutic Bodyworker and is thrilled to be back in the classroom with CAPE.
Julie is a California native that found her way to the UP after 18 years in Arizona. She has traveled to many places in the world and believes she now lives in the most magical place on Earth. Fortunately her two (2) sons and two (2) cats wholeheartedly agree! |
Located on the 4th Floor of the Hancock Community Hub:
417 Quincy St Hancock, MI 49930 Follow us on Facebook! |