Thank you for your interest in driver education courses! Links to register are below. Driver education in Michigan consists of two courses: Segment 1 and Segment 2. Courses must be completed in sequence and each has its own prerequisites which are outlined in the links below. The Segment 1 course is the most rigorous of the two. Class outlines can be found on the individual segment registration pages.
To enroll in the first course, Segment 1, students must be 14 years 8 months of age by the first day of class. As the date approaches, you can begin to look at our schedule to find the session that meets your location and schedule needs.
Register by completing the online registration form for your course type (linked below), complete the necessary paperwork (outlined during registration), submit and pay by the start of your first class. You will need to download* the corresponding Contract, and Health Screening Form (for segment 1). The student and the parent/guardian will both need to review and sign these. Scroll down for download links below.